Thursday 9 December 2010

Feedback - Music choice & Additional clips

Hamish - The clips added add more context to the final clips, however, the clips already existing are too long, and don't really add the aspect of action in which you've stated are intended too.

Jack - The music added certainly adds a humorous and more slower affect to the beginning, which is what your intention was, i believe, and definitely fits together.  Sound levels should be improved so that voices can be heard  over the music.

Perry - The music improves it, slightly, and has manged to immerse me more. The ending is dull, not enough action, so far you've only managed to portray a shoddy comedy, in which the comedy comes from bad acting. I suggest re-filming some more actions shots and adding them to the end.

I shall act upon this feedback, and begin filming some more footage of action ASAP. Untill more shots are taken, editing shall continue with more sound being added, and change the sound levels for the correct balance.

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