Wednesday 7 July 2010

Hot Fuzz

The initial shot we see is of Simon Pegg appearing in formal attire, followed by in his uniform. The freezing out to blue gradients gives the impression of other UK media, such as the Bill, well known for blue gradients in the intro. This impression of other media immediately relates the film to a specific genre. The music played other this scene is similar of that of mission impossible, with limited rhythm and just pure beats.

The music cuts out when humour occurs, a possible common feature among action comedy films. When Simon Pegg appears in a quiet county, a light-hearted song is used, to provide the irony of the situation. The camera continually changes scene by a wipe, or by motion overlapping the first clip. Black is effectively used to be faded out into the create suspense.

When action occurs, the song then returns back to a track similar to the opening, however, rhythm appears to be introduced to introduce comedy during the action. The action that is shown appears to be surreal, so comedy is combined with =the action. For example, gun fights within Summerfield. The action again seems to be combined with a 80s rock song, with screams being more present that actual singing

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