Friday 2 July 2010

Red - Film trailer analysis

The trailer shows Bruce Willis immediately from the get go. The use of the famous actor Bruce Willis, well known for films such as Die Hard, automatically portrays the film to a specific target market that has a cult following of Bruce Willis. The generic film Bruce Willis stars in is mainly action films, however, the opening scene of the film is Bruce Willis seemingly injured, but situated within a seemingly contrasting scenario of with an older women, within a seemingly older house. The music that accompanies this scene appears to be rather classical, which accompanies the appearance of a retired nature of the older generation.

When the action first appears, the music stops playing from classical, and pauses for a while before switching to the next scene. This supposedly creates awkwardness between the characters, which then generates comedy, which portrays the other genre of the film. The second track that is played has seemingly the same rhythm and beat of typical action film tune, for example, mission impossible; however, the tune also has a classical aspect to it, which then shows an older action genre, which is the specific genre of the film. The last track is a rock song, specifically Aerosmith. The rock song then portrays pure action of the film. The soundtracks used show a progression of the characters within the film, from retired, to semi retired, and then fully working characters.

Throughout the trailer, text is used to show the situation of the film without actually saying it. This technique of stating what is happening rather than just suggesting it makes the film appear to a simpler movie that isn’t too complicated, which is the basic needs for a comedy film. Comedy is seemingly showed by the situation rather than the jokes that are said.

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