Here, we see Scott Pilgrim, a character that has been mentioned during my Scott Pilgrim film trailer analysis. The magazine cover shows the character different to what is seen within the trailer. In the trailer, the character is shown to be an awkward, anxious teen. Here however, the character is portrayed to be a strong, Vengeful character. These characteristics are shown within the trailer though, towards to lower end of the trailer time line. Knowing this, I can presume that the audience is more interested in seeing the powerful characteristics rather than the previous character. using the later developed character shows an overview of the film for advertisement, utilizing the main characters finest moments to create a greater appeal.
The background of the character is rather plain, using techniques similar to the trailer and within the film itself, such as motion lines at the side to focus the character, as well as using the films official font for the subheading.
EMPIRE Magazine usually uses the colour red for their heading, and the background is usually plain white, however here, the corporate colours are reversed, with the colour white being used for the heading, and red being used in the background. This contrast in colours could reflect the film itself, suggesting that Empire believes that Scott Pilgrim is an alternative film, contrasting to the norm.