Wednesday 15 September 2010

Hot Fuzz DVD cover And Film poster

This DVD cover uses a very popular technique of having blue and orange colours contrasting each other. orange and blue are contrasting, yet are easy to blend together, making the whole cover looking as one rather than bits added on top of each other. The orange explosion in the background adds depth to the cover, making it seem to be happening, rather than having them just dropped into position. By adding the depth, it seems to give purpose. The characters shown More of the action side, rather than the comedy side of the film. Similar to that of the magazine covers, it could be presumed that it near impossible to portray comedy effectively, and it is far easier to portray action.

The film poster itself is similar to that of the DVD cover. For the film poster, the two main characters have been separated apart. This is mainly to fill up space that was not available for the DVD cover. It also allows space for the main title to be placed.

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