Friday 22 October 2010

Proposed songs - Added song tracks

I have Added the proposed songs songs onto the previous trailer in order to see if the song matches the trailer. the song will also continue on into the beginning of the the film trailer, so will have to be tested again when editing to ensure the soundtrack matches the video.

Block Rocking Beats - Chemical Brothers:

Stranglers - Golden Brown (Midi track was used, actual track will be used if it is selected.)

Proposed Songs used during the the trailer.

Opening Sequence -
The stranglers - Golden Brown
Block rocking Beats - Chemical Brothers (Edited to remove the voices from the sound.)

Action sequence
The Stranglers - No more Hereos
Sound Off - Trapt

During the actions Sequence, the track used must be fast paced, and suggest a lot of action, however, still not be serious enough, and keep the comical aspect of the film.

Wednesday 20 October 2010

Improvement - Intro

This is the improved version of the intro for the video. The Title of the film has been moved to the end of the trailer.

Monday 18 October 2010

Trailer Intro/Outro feedback

I performed a peer feedback on the rough video i created and posted previously.
Throughout the feedback, several things where mentioned and need to be redone to be more effective.
  1. The blue behind the company logo needs to be brighter, to ensure the logo stands out better.
  2. "Presents" needs to be a different shade of blue, and moved further away from the logo, as that clash with each other.
  3. It was suggested that the video should be the intro.If made the intro, the beginning of the trailers actual video fades in, with the title overlaying the video, and fading out to show the video in full.
This feedback shall all be taken into consideration when producing the actual trailer. I have to decide if the video should be placed at the start, or at the end. To do this, i might produce 2 trailers, both with the video at different points of the video, and gather further feedback during production.

Friday 15 October 2010

Trailer Outro rough draft.

For the final scene, I will then reveal the name of the film, and the company name. this is a rough draft of what the outro will look like with the current logo's. The outro will change throughout the development.

(Quality of the video was reduced for a faster upload.)

Wednesday 13 October 2010

company Title Continued

Seeing as the title would be placed onto a black background when added to te trailer, i dedcided to develop the logo so that it would appear on the background efficiently.

Company title

Here is a quick mockup of the company title logo that shal be used in the trailer.

Title Mock-ups

As the the title of the film will be "The Bronzemen" I decided to play around with the metallic bronze effect for the main title.

Tuesday 12 October 2010

Film Title Idea

Here is the short-list of ideas for the title of the film.

The Male's Dream.
The Legacy.
New tradition.
The slackers.
The Bronzemen.

I have asked my target market of the film which of these films they proffered, these are the results.

The Male's Dream. - 5
The Legacy. - 3
New tradition. - 2
The slackers. - 7
The Bronzemen. - 8

The target market has selected that the Bronzemen is the most interesting of title names. I therefore have decided to use this as the title name, as it is the highest rated of the target market, and it will allow for more room when designing the title.

This is the initial storyboard/time line.
As the animatic doesn't portray much of what is actually going to be implemented, here is a run-down of each slide.

  1. Establishing long shot of a normal street, with people live dull, boring, everyday lives.
  2. Cut to close up of the main character, who is also living a boring, routine life. The expression on his face will show how bored the character is. 
  3. Multiple scenes following the main character. all clips are boxed together with narrative of him talking to group of main cast, expressing dismay. the boxed in is supposed to represent his life being closed in.
  4. Cut to main character, with group, sat round the table. narrative is synced in to show the main character actually talking.
  5. Dialogue switches to planning the event. character slams down plans of the building etc, listing points etc.
  6. Joke will be in place here. Slow motion shots of running down either motorcycle or vehicle, emphasising the power of the machine. Narrative talks about a getaway vehicle.
  7. Shot cuts to L plate on the vehicle.
  8. Cuts to multiple sequences of action, in preparation of the event.
  9. After multiple action sequences, title of the film comes in, similar to a blast effect. Music and image fade out to black.
all of these decisions are set to change dependent of the length of the trailer, and whether or not the time length needs to increase or decrease.

Monday 11 October 2010

Film Trailer: Planning

From my research, I have decided to create a film trailer in the genre of Action Comedy.
I have decided that the cast of the film will be mainly 4 main characters, with one being the most important of the 4.
The setting for the film will be set in a small town, with usual, everyday people living boring, everyday lives.
The 4 main characters decide to spice up their lives, by doing something outragious, E.G, Robbing the local bank.
The trailer will not feature the actual robbing the bank, rather showcase preparation for the event, as this will help when recording, and will not give too much away to the viewer, of whether they are successful or not.