Monday 18 October 2010

Trailer Intro/Outro feedback

I performed a peer feedback on the rough video i created and posted previously.
Throughout the feedback, several things where mentioned and need to be redone to be more effective.
  1. The blue behind the company logo needs to be brighter, to ensure the logo stands out better.
  2. "Presents" needs to be a different shade of blue, and moved further away from the logo, as that clash with each other.
  3. It was suggested that the video should be the intro.If made the intro, the beginning of the trailers actual video fades in, with the title overlaying the video, and fading out to show the video in full.
This feedback shall all be taken into consideration when producing the actual trailer. I have to decide if the video should be placed at the start, or at the end. To do this, i might produce 2 trailers, both with the video at different points of the video, and gather further feedback during production.

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