Tuesday 12 October 2010

This is the initial storyboard/time line.
As the animatic doesn't portray much of what is actually going to be implemented, here is a run-down of each slide.

  1. Establishing long shot of a normal street, with people live dull, boring, everyday lives.
  2. Cut to close up of the main character, who is also living a boring, routine life. The expression on his face will show how bored the character is. 
  3. Multiple scenes following the main character. all clips are boxed together with narrative of him talking to group of main cast, expressing dismay. the boxed in is supposed to represent his life being closed in.
  4. Cut to main character, with group, sat round the table. narrative is synced in to show the main character actually talking.
  5. Dialogue switches to planning the event. character slams down plans of the building etc, listing points etc.
  6. Joke will be in place here. Slow motion shots of running down either motorcycle or vehicle, emphasising the power of the machine. Narrative talks about a getaway vehicle.
  7. Shot cuts to L plate on the vehicle.
  8. Cuts to multiple sequences of action, in preparation of the event.
  9. After multiple action sequences, title of the film comes in, similar to a blast effect. Music and image fade out to black.
all of these decisions are set to change dependent of the length of the trailer, and whether or not the time length needs to increase or decrease.

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